Friday, August 5, 2011

No more procrastinating

So no more procrastinating, especially after today.
I've been putting of writing in my blog lately at least, because well I've been lazy lol.
At least the past 3 days I've had no excuse.

So many things have happened here since I last wrote, "Typed out" which ever you would like to call it.
Good things, testing things. I have at least three blogs I didn't even post yet because I didn't finish them, but I will. I just had to post about the inspirations and findings I've had today.
If I wait It'll just fade away like other memories we have, (though not always) they are at least not as strong. That's why documenting them is so very important. It helps us too see where we used to be till now.
Plus our realizations may help and or inspire others as well just as we were inspired.

So, first off as lovely as New Vrindaban Dham is my time here hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies (though there are some beautiful butterflies here). No, I have had my challenges here with other people, with the forces of nature, and especially with my own mind.
So yea, hasn't been easy but I can definitely say I have had A LOT of growth from being here such a short time. Only two months and I feel like a very different person than I was before I came.
New Vrindaban Dham is very purifying to say the least.

One of the reasons I am up out of Bed is because....BED BUGS.
That's right, the ashram rooms are full of Bed bugs.
And I have been getting bit the past month. Ok, lol Just saw a Raccoon poke it's head out the window here on the second floor...

Ok so, only realized what the bites were when someone pointed out to me two weeks ago that they were bed bug bites. Than I found one, and caught the demon as proof. So now there will be some serious spraying. Anyways, also realized some other things today. For one how important it is for me to take chanting serious. To REALLY take it much more seriously. It's not that I didn't necessarily before but I just so easily put everything else before it. Or at least a lot of things.
I'm really determined to put Chanting first, I am so tired right now...

I really have to go sleep.
I'll update more tomorrow...going to go sleep outside near the lake because I just can't take the biting anymore....throwing out that bed frame tomorrow. Just taking my pillow out there because I don't even have a tent or whatever. It's ok, I'll set my alarm for Mongalarti at 4:00 am...3 hours of sleep should be ok for right now.

Peace~ Hare Krishna Hare Rama

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